Lockdown has ended after a turbulent year (but everyone appears to be isolated!). Sadly, the additional pounds many of us piled on throughout the year have stayed the same! Now that we are beginning to experience a modicum of normality (whatever that even means anymore), we are getting more and more calls from folks who are anxious about it and seeking an immediate method of weight loss.
Gaining a little weight does not mean the climax of the universe. Let’s put things in perspective and acknowledge that the added fat is not a major issue after what we had to go through. Like many other people, you could still want to lose a little weight.
Consider the adage “you reap what you sow” or something similar. Contrary to what some celebrities or self-styled experts may assert, the only approach to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you expend.
However, losing weight doesn’t have to be challenging or frustrating! Working smart, not hard, is something we strongly support. That’s not to suggest that losing weight won’t feel difficult at times, but little routines and changes can have a big impact without constantly feeling like work.
Here are our best recommendations for losing weight without making too many sacrifices while establishing healthy habits.
Place Some Spring Onions On Your Platter.
Include some spring onions in your post-run lunch because they are full of calcium and fibre, which help you lose weight, and they include chromium, which can improve how you metabolize carbohydrates for fuel.
Journalize Your Cheating Days.
Scientists now understand that willpower might be a biological fact rather than a learned feature. As per John Hopkins Medicine, Maryland, United States, this suggests that our genetics may impact how we react when presented with a tempting menu. Make “burger night” a weekly occasion rather than a weak-willed indulgence to eliminate impulsive behaviour. Your brain can be binge-proofed for the week with one 2,700-calorie cheat day.
Be Aware Of Your Sugar Cravings.
It’s time to reconsider your afternoon pick-me-up if a sweet tooth is ruining your weight loss goals. But it’s not only the chocolates that are to blame; according to a Cornell University study, 200 mg of caffeine, or about two espressos, dulls our palate and increases our desire for sweets. Try to limit yourself to one shot if the word “decaf” causes you to cringe.
All Eyes Are On The Avocado.
Instead of slathering your toast in butter, spread a ripe avocado over it. According to dietitian Drew Price, “most of us could use more monounsaturated fat; avocado contains plenty in addition to many other health benefits.” Your basal metabolic rate will increase, enabling you to burn more fat.
Grab A Bar Of Dark Chocolate.
Instead of adding fruit to your morning porridge, upgrade it by grating some dark chocolate. As per the Nutrition Journal, the polyphenols in dark chocolate decrease genes linked to fat accumulation, which rewires metabolism. Even better, a 600-calorie breakfast that includes a small amount of cocoa has been associated with a lower incidence of binge eating later in the day.
Engage Your Jaw.
Your jaw is the muscle you must keep working to increase your calorie burn. According to Clinical Nutrition, chewing food thoroughly improves blood sugar control while increasing “diet-induced thermogenesis,” or calorie burning. Instead of the customary 15, shoot for 40 bites per mouthful. Additionally, you will have less time for second helpings.
Cut Everything Down To Size.
Before you eat, cut your foot into bite-sized pieces. To the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, individuals perceive sliced servings as 27% bigger than unsliced, so they consume 20% fewer calories.
Black Pepper Is Excellent.
Tell the waiter to take the black pepper when he offers it to you at your table. Thanks to piperine, the spice can prevent the creation of fat cells.
Snack Wisely
Instead of going for the biscuits, give these creative snacks a whirl:
- Jerky: Jerky is a nutritious post-run snack containing 7 g of protein per serving (ensure that it is 480 mg or has elevated sodium levels per plate).
- Twiglets: Twiglets are a considerably healthier alternative to crisps, according to dietician Justin Lord. B vitamins and celery seed, an anti-inflammatory, are present (which reduces bloating).
- Popcorn: It will assist in bringing your blood glucose levels down, which will cause your body to burn fat. Maintain a simple, air-popped style.
- Salsa: Salsa is low in calories per 250 g, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and goes well with tortilla chips. Enjoy it with multigrain tortilla chips that have been cooked.
Put The Fruit Bowl In A Prominent Position.
According to the University of Leeds research, even gazing at fruit and vegetables in the morning can coax you into making healthier dietary choices throughout the day. So, even if you don’t eat any fruit from it, make sure your fruit dish is visible when it’s time for breakfast.
Include The Following Foods On Your Shopping List:
- Edamame: Protein from soy can assist you in maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. It only takes a few edamame beans to complete the task.
- Grapefruit: Half a grapefruit can be added to your meals. It will help you feel full, and its vitamin C promotes fat burning.
- Spinach: Your body processes fats more effectively because of this food’s high fibre content.
- Berries: Since they have less fructose than other fruits, your intestines will have less sugar to process.
- Hummus: Hummus is satisfying and packed with calories, but it also contains a lot of fibre and omega-3 fatty acids.
Drink! Have A Fresh, Cold Glass Of Lime-Mint Tea
In addition to keeping you hydrated, drinking enough water all day, both before and during meals, will also make you feel full. Try infusing plain water with frozen or fresh berries, cucumber, lemon, lime, or orange slices, or even a bit of sugar-free squash or cordial if you don’t like the flavour of plain water. Tea leaves and coffees can be included in your regular liquid intake, but you should limit yourself to up to two or three per day.
Keep The Carbohydrates For Your Post-Run Supper.
A sports medicine specialist, Andy Reay, says, “save your carb consumption for hours surrounding your run or the evening.” For shorter distances, save fuelling until the end of your run if you’re going for a lengthy run. Your body will absorb these carbohydrates after exercise to replenish the glycogen you’ve depleted, preventing it from turning into fat.
Further Reading:
- Fat-Burning Foods to Get You Ripped Fast
- The Golden Rules for Getting Ripped Have Changed
- Reach Your Fat Loss Goal by Making Eight Changes to Your Diet

Sohail has been searching diets and belly fat solutions for over a decade, and manage a pool of trained authors to write articles, which have helped thousands of readers to this date. He has CPD accredited Certificate in Nutrition for Weight Loss besides his MBA degree. He also owns this website, which he founded in 2013 to share his ideas and knowledge. Not to mention he has tried numerous supplements over the years and has an extensive and thorough knowledge on supplements. Besides spending time on his study, research and literature, Sohail loves swimming, gardening and travelling.